Society will cause men to loose themselves and way so long as they do not have a self and spend their days upholding the identity of Society without themselves as someone in that society. Without a self in a society, society leads to bearing no fruit because it has not learned anything new and has failed to provide a greater role for itself beyond its own loss of self.
In society, we require that their be people who do differently because without this their is no change from that point of problem to that point of solution. Without a means of difference in a society that focuses solely on the group and the demands of that group, their is no difference between people, merely words of expectation without an end or a person to reach them. Thus their is no sustained means of action for a group and it exists mostly as a debate and competetion to be the most empty and without purpose.
Without a pupose their is no reason to exist beyond those basic needs and wants of a time or place, thus their is only the same and that which is mundane in accordance with it. Everyone always hangs out and complains of nothing to do, then do something that is done by everyone. The continued loss of self in a sea of common things leads to depression and the often stated complaint that their is no point, nothing special and nothing worth living for by the depressed. Because everyone does the same, are not different and are not achieving much beyond a reflection of the previous man.
Without a self, a person is missing something eternally and without that which is missing, they seek it not because they reject the concept that offers the answer to that absence. Since they view that desire within them that is themselves, as that which must be removed and voided from the structure of existence for the sole reason of society. People would rather be part of a group as a clone, then as themselves in that society and thus their is rarely a difference in people beyond a name ( for registration ) and a set of distractions ( to pass the time till death ).
Without a point to their existence, without a path to lay down and walk and without more then distractions and registration their is only distraction and registration for pain and absence, thus people merely complain without solution or provide the same solutions as everyone else, without wich any summarised conflict in the destinction of their registered distraction is met with solely two sentences on either side of the conflict, that never or rarely attain a substantial solution and thus cannot attain that end, because they reject endings for it being related to themselves and not a society without a mind.
Self on its own is just as bad as society on its own, because those whom focus solely on themselves and ignore society lack any sense of what is expected of them and behave according to only whatever it is they want and ignore whatever it is others do not want or do want. In either case the society without self or the self without society create problems that can described inversely ( society has no point and solves little, self ignores others for their own sake ) and it is usually in an interaction of society and self that they actually strive for cooperation and the like, because they represent themselves and the society or group they are a part of.
Often, when people focus solely on themselves or the society, it creates the illusion of ones surroundings being made according to the end, because society and groups continue or the selfs needs are met, but this does not actually imply an end, merely the continuity of the self or society. An end would imply the existence of a finished product, beyond the concept of the current social goal and thus represent its completetion. The difference between a continuity and an end is shown in this example:
- We continued to work tirelessly on inventing time travel.
- We managed to create a machine that allows for time travel.
Thus the difference in the act of continuing and finishing is mostly in its success and that cannot come from the single input of society or always from one individual. You could wait for society to get lucky and choose the right answer, you could try to do it alone without others, but it is often in that happy medium of self and others that things are actually achieved.
To create a successful end to something requires both a complaint or a desire and the act of one and self to attain it, but the end must be created before it can be achieved, at the beginning of an effort for it. If no end is made, then the acts that take place carry no point, much like the goals of society seem these days to be built of beginnings rather then endings. We seek a world of acceptance to what end? We seek the end of war to what end? Thus while we have many beginnings in society, those starting points float without serving any ending of value. Are we seeking acceptance for better relationships, or more understanding? Is war supposed to end for a calmer world, or for something better to take its place?
In conclusion of this small essay, I would like to point to the idea of interaction and purpose as the most important of keys in society, self and ends. We often strive for things within society, self or ends that lack one or either of those things, simply because we presume that first act to be perfected when it requires more then itself to complete. Thus the interaction of self and society and the purpose of an end are necessary for the things discussed above, so that existence can carry more then depression and absence and thus be of value to something greater.
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