Truth and Lies

The propagation of ideas without substance leads to irrational claims, beleif in those claims can cause excessive harm without point especially when they are propagated and agreed by vast percentages of a society. How does one destinguish an idea with or without substance? If this is a question in your mind or you have presumed to be able to distinguish an idea of substance from one that is not, then you have already failed to know what substance means.

Definition of Substance ( taken from google ):

  1. 1.
    a particular kind of matter with uniform properties.
    "a steel tube coated with a waxy substance"
    "an organic substance"
  2. 2.
    the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence.
    "proteins compose much of the actual substance of the body"
    synonyms:soliditybody, corporeality;
If you thought I meant thoughts that made sense, then you have lost the substance entirely for the concept of a meme:

  1. an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
    • a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

Memes are always lies propagated by a group, they carry no objective truth unless their subject is objective in nature, Memes are always subjective claims or perspectives.

Here are basic sentences that differ solely on whether they are a meme (italic) or a substance (bold):
  • We are from the 12th dimension.
  • Dimension refers to length or width and size.
  • Gender is a social construct, i decide which one i want to be.
  • Sex is the form of the genitals made seperately from brain, it can be modified.
  • The deep-state/patriarchy is controlled by evil men who want complete control.
  • Trump is president.
  • Satan has fooled many people with his evil plan.
  • People beleive a diversity of destinctive things.
The easiest way to know the difference, is whether it can be experienced with some form of measure between the self and the OUTSIDE. 

Propagation of memes without substance destroys the conventions of a society because they lack a sense of actual reality and dissolve the boundary between the objective an honest reality and one that is limited to only fantasy which denies reality. 

Fantasy, like a book, is all in your head and achieves nothing of substance.

Objectivity and actual substance are required for anything beyond your cellphone, which has become an obsession because it allows easy access to groups of diverse MEMETIC propagation. This has nothing to do with the patriarchy or the deepstate, rather it is related to the overflow of memes on the internet, without substantial evidence. 

Following this post, I will express how you can actually attain these dreams ( without memes ). Because your mind alone has absolutely no power over existence and the claim that you do is a meme, which like any other leads to regresive behaviors.

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