For if one takes of the guidance or what isn't, they will not attain more the illusion, this Key has been made hidden for your own comprehension.
- Two lights shine but one is filled with shadow, these are in transmutation and are made in likeness.
- One is to be denied for the key to be attained, it has given up for things it knows too well.
- In time, the other is as above it, but only in knowledge of self is its passion restored from fire.
If one has not understood the reason for absence and the reason for the useless, perhaps they should look outward at themselves and find use in its features, denied by the society and found alone or with others.
If you take the first light of little shadow, ignore the empty lines for the full and find it dwelling in the fire, take the time of the precaution of not burning any form that is required and gain from that what is desired in that light brighter.
Then, the form is made clearer without any absence and these words are further then science but appear as likeness to science within the absurdity of magic.
Any guess is of value, if it ignores the absence and takes on the form of that that is the essence of that absence. This is the greatest hint.
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